Why can't I see my SweetHawk app(s)?

There are a few reasons why an app may not be visible. In this article, we'll work through them in order of technicality. 


This article contains the following sections:


1. The apps tray is not open or the app has been 'pinned'.

If you're not familiar with the Zendesk interface then it may be that you simply need to open the app sidebar on the right of the screen like this:



If you have the Zendesk Agent Workspace enabled, it will look like this.



If you have a large number of apps installed, you may also need to scroll down to locate the app. If needed, you can reorder the positioning of the app so that it is always visible at first glance.

Additionally your app could be pinned. "Pinned" means that the icon for the app sits in the right sidebar, rather than the app being shown in the main set of apps like this: Screenshot_11_1_2025__1_15 pm.jpg


2. The app has been restricted/disabled.

It is possible that you or another Zendesk administrator has restricted the app in your Zendesk settings so that you don't have access to see it. You can quickly diagnose this by hovering the mouse over the 'eye' located in the top right corner of the app sidebar, then checking to see if the app name is currently hidden.


If the app name does NOT appear, it is likely someone has restricted access to the app. Another symptom is if you see "This resource doesn't exist" within the app.

For more information on how app restrictions work, we've written an article here.

After making adjustments to the restrictions, make sure to perform a hard refresh of the browser if the changes are not reflected immediately.

Windows/Linux: Hold down Ctrl and press F5.

Mac OS: Hold down ⌘ Cmd and ⇧ Shift key and then press R.


3. Browser issue

An issue related to a specific browser can prevent the app from working. Most commonly this is due to a browser extension. Even if you believe nothing has been changed with the browser, extension updates can occur automatically without knowledge and prevent the app from working.

To troubleshoot a browser issue:

  1. Try viewing Zendesk in a different browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari). If the app successfully loads in another browser, it could be a browser issue.
  2. Try viewing Zendesk in incognito mode. If the app appears, it could be a browser extension.
  3. Disable all extensions and refresh the browser. If the app appears, re-enable your extensions one at a time until you can replicate the issue and isolate to a specific extension.
  4. Check your dev console logs for client-side errors.


4. Networking issue / Company firewall

A localized networking issue or firewall can mean access to our servers and apps is blocked or limited. One tell tale sign of this is when agents from a certain department/network are impacted. Another thing you can check to confirm this is if there's any client-side errors (as described in the next section). 

Lastly, you can try loading Zendesk and the app(s) on a computer connected to the internet through a different source that is not on your company network. For example, you could pair your device with a mobile phone hotspot or bring a laptop home and connect it to your personal WIFI.

If this allows you, or the agents affected, to see the app, then it is likely that your company network settings or firewall is blocking the app from appearing. To allow the apps to work, you will need to get your IT administrator to whitelist our apps IP addresses. In this kb article we've noted the addresses that need to be allowed. These IP addresses do change from time to time as required, so it is recommended that you or IT admins subscribe to the IP changes mailing list available from the same article. 



5. Client-side errors

If it's none of the above, then there may be some errors coming through on your side behind the scenes that we need to know about. In order to see these errors, you'll need to re-load Zendesk with the developer console open.

To open the developer console in Google Chrome ​click the top right ellipsis -> more tools -> developer tools, like this:

Once you have it open, click the console tab like this (1) and clear the logs (2). 


At this point, refresh Zendesk in the browser and if you see any errors in red come through, then take screenshots of them and send them through to support@sweethawk.co and we'll be able to do further investigation.

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