In the event our support team is unable to resolve an issue based on the information provided, you may be asked this question. This article is aimed to answer any questions you may have regarding why we need this access.
Q: Why do you need permission to access my data?
A: We treat data privacy very seriously and requesting permission is part of a self-imposed security measure to ensure you are aware when one of our team needs access to your data.
Permission is only granted until the request/issue has been resolved. We will always ask this question as required regardless of past permission given.
Q: Why do you need access to my data?
A: This question will typically be asked when we have exhausted all traditional methods of troubleshooting and require additional access in order to further our investigation. We may ask this question in advance in order to reduce the resolution time should the need arise.
If you submit a request through our help center, you can provide permission by ticking SweetHawk may access my data as seen below.
Q: What data will you have access to?
A: Please refer to our technical information page regarding the access granted to us when installing an app. We will only access data relating to the app for troubleshooting purposes. Your data will be treated as highly confidential.
Q: What do I need to do in order to provide access? Do I need to enable Account assumption?
A: No action is required in order to provide access to your data. Account assumption is only for use by Zendesk. Since we are a third-party app developer, you don't need to enable this.
If you have any further questions, you can reach out to us at or simply reply to the existing request/ticket you have open with our support team.