The first step to achieving powerful workflows with the Tasks and Subtickets app is to build task lists that your agents can add to a ticket, or that can be automatically added to tickets, ready to go.

Topics covered in this article:


How to create a task list

In the Tasks and Subtickets app, click Task lists then Add task list on the top right.

Under Settings, define the following:

  • Name of your task list.
  • Required - toggle on to require all tasks in the ticket must be completed before a ticket can be submitted as solved. This includes any sub-tickets.
  • Access permissions - who can add or remove this task list from a ticket.
  • Ticket updates - select from several events on your task list to update fields on the ticket when that event occurs. Powerful updates can be made here including sending a public reply to the ticket requester!

Note: All of our forms accept Zendesk placeholders & liquid markup but we have made this easier for you if you click + or </> on the right of the field, it will also provide you with a drop down of all fields in your Zendesk that you can add with 1 click!

At the bottom, click Create task list.


How to create tasks

Now that your task list has been created, you can now add all the tasks required. To do this click Add task on the top right.

Under New task, define the following:

  • Name of your task.
  • Note - this note will be shown along with the task in the app. This field accepts HTML.
  • Link - a link displayed next to the task which helps your agents complete the task.
  • Ticket updates - these events only happen on this task only and when it is either changed, completed or uncompleted.

Remember: Zendesk placeholders & liquid markup are accepted and we have made this easier for you if you click + or </> on the right of the field.

Click Create task.

Continue to create tasks in your task list by following the above steps again.


Cloning task lists

If you have similar task lists but with slight changes depending on your situation, you can now clone your entire task list and tasks with a few clicks.

Within your task list, click the 3 dot ellipses on the far right, then select Clone.

A copy of that task list and all tasks are now ready to modify, simple!


Next steps

These tasks can also be automatically created into sub-tickets, with their own set of tasks. Please follow our templates for pre-filling subtask tickets guide on how to set this up.

Now you have a task list ready to go, you can;

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