The Tasks and Subtickets app is one of many SweetHawk apps for Zendesk and is used by thousands of agents every day. Here you'll learn the basics of how the app can help you tackle use cases like Zendesk project management, change management, human resources and much more.
For admins: please ensure the app |
This article will cover how to manually add tasks to a ticket, if you would like to know how to automatically add task lists and child or sub-tickets, please see:
Automatically adding a task list to a ticket
Templates for pre-filling subtask tickets
Topics covered in this article:
- Manually adding tasks to a ticket
- Marking tasks as complete
- Deleting a task from a ticket
- Converting a tasks into subtickets
- Linking a task to an existing ticket
Manually adding tasks to a ticket
The Tasks and Subtickets app can be found in the app sidebar on the right side of an existing ticket in Zendesk.
Tasks can be added from a pre-defined task list and/or by an agent typing in the ad hoc tasks they need.
Option 1 - Adding ad hoc tasks
To add a task to a ticket, simply click next to the + sign in the app where it says Add new task... and start typing. Then press enter to add this task.
Continue to add tasks to the ticket as many times as you need.
Option 2 - Adding a task list
To add a task list to a ticket, first you will need to create a task list for your agents to use. To do this, please follow our how to create task lists guide.
Once your task list is created, in the app simply click the drop down box and select which task list you need for this ticket. Multiple task lists can be added to the same ticket at once and will be separated by their title, which is also collapsable.
Marking tasks as complete
To mark a task as complete, simply click the checkbox to the left and the task will now be complete. Any task can also be clicked again to revert to being uncompleted.
Deleting a task from a ticket
To delete a task for any reason, click the 3 dot ellipsis to the right of a task and select Delete from the list. The app will require confirmation of deletion before proceeding.
Converting tasks into subtickets
To convert a task into a subticket, click the 3 dot ellipsis to the right of a task and select Convert to a new ticket from the list.
A ticket definition form will appear and you can specify which ticket fields to copy into your new subticket, or simply fill in the fields with information that you would like to have on the new subticket.
Fields with same as parent will be copied from the current ticket. Any fields in your Zendesk can be added here and also filled with specific information instead of simply copying or a mix of both!
Note: All of our forms accept Zendesk placeholders & liquid markup but we have made this easier for you if you click + or </> on the right of the field, it will also provide you with a drop down of all fields in your Zendesk that you can add with 1 click!
To speed up this process, you can create ticket templates for your agents to use with pre-defined ticket fields that they can select from the top drop down box. To create these ticket templates, please follow our guide.
Click create ticket and the app will link your task with a new sub-ticket in the app.
Both the parent task and sub-ticket will have links to each other to easily navigate between the two. Your sub-ticket can also have tasks assigned too!
Please note the task can now only be marked as completed, once the sub-ticket has been submitted as solved.
Linking a task to an existing ticket
To link a task to an existing ticket instead of creating a new one, click the 3 dot ellipsis to the right of a task and select Link to existing ticket.
Simply search for the ticket ID in the search box or select from the options of recent tickets in the popup, then click Link.
A task can be unlinked from a sub-ticket by clicking the 3 dot ellipsis and choosing Remove ticket link.