Here we will guide you on how to create ticket templates that can be used when converting a task to a new ticket.

Additionally, once you have created your task list in our Tasks and Subtickets app, you can now dive into the more advanced workflows of having your subtickets (or child tickets) pre-filled with information. You can even have another set of tasks on this new subticket!

Topics covered in this article:


How to create a ticket template

Ticket templates are usually created when many tasks share the same information that would need to be copied from the parent task. If your task is unique and does not require other tasks to have the same information, you can skip this step and proceed to define a subticket below.

To create a ticket template, in the Tasks and Subtickets app, click Ticket templates in the left side menu and then click Add ticket template on the top right.

Within the ticket template, define the following:

  • Name of your task.
  • Access permissions - who can use this template when creating a subticket.
  • Ticket definition - specify which ticket fields to copy into your new subticket, or simply fill in the fields with information that you would like to have on the new subticket. Requester, subject & comment fields are mandatory.

Fields with same as parent will be copied from the current ticket. Any fields in your Zendesk can be added here and also filled with specific information instead of simply copying or a mix of both!

Note: All of our forms accept Zendesk placeholders & liquid markup but we have made this easier for you if you click + or </> on the right of the field, it will also provide you with a drop down of all fields in your Zendesk that you can add with 1 click!

Click Create ticket template.

Ticket templates can also be cloned by clicking the 3 dot ellipsis on the right of the template and selecting Clone.


How to define a subticket

Now that we have templates created, we can now apply these to tasks which will create a subticket automatically! To do this, click Task lists in the left side menu and then select the task list you want to create a subticket for.

Here you will see a your tasks and then select Define subticket for the task you would like a subtask for.

At the top of the define subticket screen, you will be able to select from a list of ticket templates you have created above.

You can also define ticket field overrides for this particular task if it is slightly different from the template you have applied.

If this task is unique and doesn't require a ticket template then fill out the form as required for this task.

Remember: Zendesk placeholders & liquid markup are accepted and we have made this easier for you if you click + or </> on the right of the field.

Click Define subticket.

Now when this task has been added to a ticket, it will automatically create a subticket with all the information specified above!

Subtickets are shown in the Tasks and Subtickets app with a link to the subticket along with its current status. The task will automatically be checked once the subticket has been submitted as solved.

Your subticket will also have a link back to the parent.

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