Building reports in Zendesk Explore with data from SweetHawk apps.

This guide walks you through leveraging Zendesk Explore with SweetHawk apps to generate data-driven insights for improving customer service. Learn how to set metrics, use attributes, apply filters, visualize data, and explore specific report recipes for SweetHawk apps.


What is Zendesk Explore?

Steps to create a report in Zendesk Explore 

Recipes for building Explore reports for specific SweetHawk apps  



What is Zendesk Explore?

Zendesk Explore is a powerful analytics tool designed to provide actionable insights into your customer service operations. It integrates seamlessly with Zendesk products, including SweetHawk apps, allowing users to analyze performance across various channels. With pre-built dashboards, custom queries, and report sharing capabilities, Zendesk Explore simplifies the process of understanding and improving your customer experience through data-driven decision making.

Before starting to use Zendesk Explore it may be worth running through this article on the Zendesk knowledge base: Getting Started with Zendesk Explore. There is also this section which provides links to many articles around building reports in Zendesk. 


What are the steps to create a report in Zendesk Explore with data from SweetHawk apps?

1. You should start with a very specific question in mind. Example questions might be "What is the average time it is taking my development team to respond and reassign their tickets each month?" or "How many approvals are the IT team actioning each quarter?"

2. Ensure the data you want from SweetHawk Apps is being recorded into the ticket. You can check the data being recorded on the ticket by performing the action(s) you want to report on, and then checking the ticket events log to find out what fields & tags are being updated. In many SweetHawk apps you can also define custom tags to be applied at specific times and/or any number of changes to be made to the ticket at various points using the 'Ticket updates' functionality. 

3. Open Zendesk Explore by navigating to it via the product taggle menu at the top right hand side of the screen in Zendesk Support.

4. Under the Reports section of Explore, create a new report by clicking on New Report.

5. Select the Support dataset, and from within this, choose Support - Tickets and then Start report at the bottom right of the screen. 

6. Specify a Metric: At the top left of the screen click Add under Metrics. Metrics are specific numerical quantities or values in your Zendesk data such as the number of tickets created, the contents of any numeric field or the number of good satisfaction tickets. If the metric you need does not exist then you can create your own custom metrics

7. Specify Attributes: Click Add in either the Columns or Rows sections on the left. Attributes are how you slice and dice (ie. break down) your reports. For instance, if you're looking at the metric "Number of Tickets," you could use attributes such as "Ticket Status" (open, pending, closed, etc.), "Assignee" (which agent is assigned), or "Channel" (email, chat, phone, etc.) to segment this data further. If the attribute you need does not exist then you can create your own custom attributes. This article even shows you how to convert metrics to attributes

6. Apply Filters: Click Add at the top next to Filters. Depending on your specific reporting needs, you may want to filter your data to include or exclude certain types of tickets, agents, time frames, etc. Learn more on filters here

7. Visualize Your Data: Click the report icon on the far right of the screen near the top. Here you can select a variety of ways to visualize your data, including tables, bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, and more. Select the one that best fits your needs.

8. Save and Share Your Report: Once you've customized your report, save it for future reference. You can also schedule it to run at regular intervals and be sent to selected recipients, ensuring the relevant stakeholders stay informed.


What are some actual recipes for building Explore reports with data from SweetHawk apps? 

The links below show you how to take the general steps outlined above and provide in depth instructions for each step along the way:


Building NPS reports in Explore with Survey app data



Reporting recipes for Tasks in Zendesk Explore

Build Explore reports to utilize the relationship between parent and child tickets (advanced)



Recipe: Recording and reporting on the approval granted date in Explore

Recipe: Recording and reporting on specifically who approved tickets



Reporting recipes for Calendar in Zendesk Explore




Zendesk Explore is a powerful platform with intricate features, allowing for comprehensive report-building and extensive data analysis. Our goal at SweetHawk is to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to create your own reports. However, given the intricate nature of the platform, there might be times when the complexities surpass our guidance.

We strive to provide you with as much instruction as we can, but due to the advanced nature of certain features, there could be situations that necessitate reaching out to Zendesk support for assistance. Alternatively if you require reports to be built for you, you might consider contacting one of our implementation partners.



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