This article is intended to provide a guide on how to troubleshoot issues you may encounter with the Survey app. For issues that have a significant impact on multiple functions, consider checking the API authorization for errors before proceeding.


This article contains the following sections: 


I'm unable to install the app due to an error.

Problem: You're unable to install the Survey app from the marketplace due to the following error:

Failed to install app: Error creating requirements
The task failed because of an error: Validation failed: Key: survey_app_ticket has already been ta...

This is caused when there are existing components of the Survey app from a previous installation.


  1. Open the admin center in Zendesk.
  2. Navigate to your triggers and search for App - Survey - Set requester token.
  3. If it exists, delete this trigger.
  4. Navigate to your user fields and search for Survey App token.
  5. If it exists, delete this user field.
  6. Install the Survey app again.
  7. If successful, check that the trigger and user field you deleted were recreated. If they were not recreated, contact our support team at for further assistance.


Why are my respondents re-directed to my Zendesk login page?

Problem: Your respondents are re-directed to your Zendesk login page after submitting their responses.

This is because a URL re-direct has been configured for the brand.


  1. Navigate to the Survey app survey-icon-big2.png from the main navigation bar in Zendesk.
  2. Select the Brands tab, then select the appropriate subdomain from the list.
  3. Locate the URL field and action accordingly. If no redirect is required, leave this field blank.


Why are my respondents unable to view the survey page?

Error 403: Access denied

Problem: Respondents are taken to an empty web page displaying Error 403 after selecting a score on the email.

This is most commonly caused when an admin accidentally de-activated or deleted a trigger required for the app to function.


  1. Open the admin center in Zendesk.
  2. Navigate to your triggers and search for App - Survey - Set requester token.
  3. Ensure you check the filter for both active and inactive triggers.
  4. If it is inactive, enable the trigger.
  5. If it does not exist, contact our support team at for further assistance.
  6. If the trigger is already enabled, contact our support team at for further assistance.

Error 404: Not Found

Problem: Respondents are taken to an empty web page displaying Error 404The site can’t be reached or The requested URL was not found on this server after selecting a score on the email.

This is caused when a custom landing page URL has been configured incorrectly. 


  1. Navigate to the Survey app survey-icon-big2.png from the main navigation bar in Zendesk.
  2. Select the Admin tab.
  3. Verify you have configured the correct details for a custom Landing page URL. Using third-party CNAME lookup tools can help with this.
  4. Contact our support team at if further assistance is required. Please include a screenshot of the Landing page URL.


Why do some tickets have a satisfaction rating, but no survey response?

Problem: Some tickets have a satisfaction rating (good/bad) when viewing the ticket event logs but do not have a survey score when viewing the response tab in the app.

This can occur if you have Zendesk's native customer satisfaction (CSAT) rating enabled and the requester provides feedback directly through your help centre.

Solution: Acknowledge that this will happen on the rare occasion if you wish to have CSAT integration since there is no way to prevent this behaviour. The requester can still respond to the survey email. The alternative is to disable native CSAT and only use the Survey app if you do not require this.


Why do some tickets have a survey response, but no satisfaction rating?

Problem: One or more tickets do not have a satisfaction rating (good/bad) when a survey response is provided and the option to convert the score into CSAT is enabled.

Solution: Below are the requirements within Zendesk for CSAT:

  • The requester must not be a staff member.
  • The satisfaction must be changed to 'offered to requester' within the trigger/automation that sends the survey email.

If one or more of these are false, the app is unable to convert the score into CSAT.

Why do some tickets have an unexpected bad response?

Problem: Some tickets have an unexpected bad response (e.g zero) after confirming with the requester they did not leave this response.

Solution: Learn how you can maximize survey response rates and the challenge of false positives.

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