Ticket Updates & placeholders - Approve app

This article is intended to provide guidance on how to use ticket updates for the Approve app


This article contains the following sections: 


What events take place within the Approve app?

There are three main categories that all events fall under. These are:

  1. Approve status changed
    • Approval granted
    • Approval denied
    • Approval timeout
    • Approval cancelled
  2. New response
    • New approve response
    • New decline response
    • New abstain response
  3. New approval step

What placeholders can I use?

Within each event category, placeholders can be used to create dynamic content. These are:



Note: Works for:


The status of the request. These values are: started, granted, denied, timed out and cancelled. Approve status changed


The message of the request. Approve status changed


The status of the response. These values are: proceed, cancel, and abstain. New response


The comment of the approver when a response is given. New response


The email of the approver when a response is given. New response


The ID of the approver when a response is given. New response


The name of the request. Approve status changed, New response


The ID of the request. Approve status changed, New response


The name of the step. New approval step


Advanced liquid placeholder example:

Approval definition history: If you want to inject the decision of every approver into a comment or multiline text field you can use this liquid as part of the "New response" event: 

{% for step in request.approval_steps %}{% for response in step.approver_responses %}
{{response.approver.email}}: {% if response.status == "proceed" %}Approved{% elsif response.status == "sent" %}Sent{% elsif response.status == "cancel" %}Denied{% elsif response.status == "abstain" %}Abstained{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}

This will generate output that looks like this: 

jeff.citizen@email.com: Approved
mary.citizen@email.com: Approved
jane.doe@email.com: Abstained
john.smith@email.com: Sent

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