When the due-time on a ticket is reached, the app will automatically add the tag "due_now" to a ticket.
The act of adding this tag to the ticket, means that triggers can be created to perform actions on the ticket at the same time.
By default, the app has automatically created two alterable triggers that hook into this event.

The first is called “Ticket is due now”. It’s set so that if a ticket is updated with the tag “due_now” and it hasn’t already been solved. Then, email the group it’s assigned to.

This is where your creativity can come in, you can change it to email yourself, other specific agents or even change ticket fields, like escalating the priority.

Beyond that, you could also create multiple triggers to cater for different ticket circumstances. For example maybe your support group wants a different type of reminder than the sales group. Or maybe if the priority of the ticket is high, you'd like to email everyone, but for low priority tickets you only want to let the agent know.
The second trigger is called “Remove due_now tag” and it does just that, it removes the “due_now” tag just after it’s added, but not before the first trigger fires - see how it’s lower in the order.

Since the triggers fire from top to bottom, the higher trigger (ticket is due now) sends off your notifications and the lower trigger (remove due time tag) deletes the tag so that no further notifications get sent.
IMPORTANT: Do not delete the "Remove due time tag" trigger. If you do, once the "due_now" tag is added, there'll be no mechanism to remove the tag, and you'll receive notifications every time the ticket is updated, and the tag will need to be removed manually.
For an overview of the theory behind triggers and how they fire, here's a sweet Zendesk video that covers it really nicely: