Installing the Due Time app on your Zendesk is easy. First you'll need to go to the Zendesk apps marketplace which you'll find by first logging into Zendesk and then clicking the cog at the bottom left side of the screen, then click on "Marketplace" under "Apps" at the top.


Next, do a search for "Due Time" and click on the Due Time app...


You'll then be able to buy the app by clicking the buy button and following the prompts. Note that you won't be charged for the first 14 days while you're in the trial period.


After that, you'll need to enable the app by clicking the new calendar icon in the Zendesk menu on the left of the screen...

Then enable the app by clicking "Enable App" and follow the prompts. 

Great! You've finished installing the app and you're now right to start adding tasks to tickets.

Click here for instructions on how to use the Due Time app.



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