This article is regarding the Zendesk approvals app Approvals app.
If you're needing information on our newer app named  Zendesk approvals app Approve, please see this section of our knowledge base.

This article covers common issues encountered while using the app in order to help you self-diagnose and resolve the problem. It is assumed you have a basic understanding of the app, how triggers operate and how to view the ticket event logs. If you need a brief recap, please take a moment to go through the following articles.

How to use the Approvals app

Manual Approvals

Automatic Approvals

About triggers and how they work

Viewing all events of a ticket


This article contains the following sections:


Why can't I see the app on the ticket?

When first installing the app, the default state for the app is to be 'hidden' until an approval template is created. You can confirm this by hovering the mouse over the 'eye' icon as seen below


In addition to requiring an approval template, you must also define the conditions for displaying the template on the ticket. By default, this will be a form or when a tag is present depending on your Zendesk plan.




If you are unable to see the Approvals app in the 'hidden' list or the icon is not present on the left navbar, please follow this article on how to fix this.


Why can I see all/most of my approvals on the ticket?

If most of your approvals are displaying on the ticket even though they are not required, this means they likely have the same conditions for displaying the approval whether this is the same form or tag present.

As such, you'll need to adjust the conditions so that only the approvals required are shown.


If you require more advanced conditions, please refer to this article. This is recommended for automatic approvals where the conditions for sending the approval are more than just which form or tag is present.


Why are the approver's comments added by me and how can I change who this is?

The user who first authorizes the API – typically the admin who installed the app – will be considered the API user for the purpose of updating tickets/comments.

The API user will always post the comment on behalf of an approval group or when the sole approver does not exist as a user within Zendesk. You can change the API user by re-authorizing the API which is covered in the next issue.


Why is there no comments on the ticket when the approval is granted/declined?

This occurs if there is an error with the API authorization and most commonly happens when the previous API user was removed from Zendesk or had their permissions revoked which prevents the app from functioning. You can re-authorize the API via the app to resolve this as seen below

  1. Approvals
  2. Settings 
  3. Deauthorize REST API
  4. Authorize REST API/Enable App


If you know someone is leaving the company, you can perform the above steps ahead of time to avoid this in future.


Please note, the administrator who performs this action will be considered the new API user for the purpose of updating tickets/comments.​ If you have a generic administrator account available, it is recommended to use this to avoid confusion.


Why aren't my approvals working?




Does the approval appear on the ticket?


It is assumed that you don't have any other issues viewing the approvals app. If you are unable to see the app at all, please follow this article.

If an approval has been requested, it should appear on the app window indicating the request has been sent.



If the answer is no, this flow/path only applies to automatic approvals since manual approvals cannot be sent when the approval is not visible.

Does the approver receive an email?

The approver should receive an email once the request has been sent.


Did the trigger fire?

Automatic approvals are sent via a Zendesk trigger. If the trigger does not appear in the ticket event logs, you will need to check and adjust the conditions as needed to ensure it fires when intended. This is a good opportunity to check the trigger actions as well which are covered further down in the article in order to save time.



Have you checked your spam folder?

If the approver does not receive the email, a common cause is that the email is getting flagged as spam. Once confirmed this is not the case, submit a support request and include the most recent ticket ID along with the email address of the approver who did not receive the request.

Have you checked the template settings?

If you've reached this step, it is likely the approver received the email but the approval is not appearing on the ticket. It is also equally likely you have manual requests enabled which means the conditions for displaying the approval come into play even if it has been requested.

You will need to review and adjust your conditions to ensure the approvals is shown. A good place to start is by matching most/all of the trigger conditions which sends the request.




For assistance on how to create these conditions, please view this article. If the conditions you are trying to create are not covered in the article, please submit a request and our support team can assist.

Have you checked the trigger actions?

If you haven't checked the trigger actions by this point, now would be the time. It is likely the action has been removed from your trigger or a different approval is getting requested. Ensure the notify target is pointing to the correct template which should always start with "Request approval:" as seen below.



Contact Support

If you've reached this point, it's likely there is a bug or you require additional assistance from our support team. Please include the issue along with any troubleshooting steps performed in the form of screenshots and/or a screencast/video to help speed up resolution time.

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