Can I purchase an app for only certain agents?

Yes, you're able to restrict which agents have access to an app by enabling role and/or group restrictions. These restrictions apply to billing so that you're only charged for the agents with access.


Can I purchase the Super Suite for only certain agents?

No, our Super Suite Subscription is only available when subscribing with all (paid) Zendesk agents. Light agents are always free.

Pricing for the Super Suite can be found here. If you wish to purchase an app or apps for a select number of agents on your account, please refer to the individual app pricing and apply restrictions as needed. Super Suite FAQ


How do I get a copy of my invoices?

All invoices are available to view and download through our billing portal. You can also add any email address to a billing notification list which will be sent an invoice each month. Learn how to manage your billing.


If you're subscribed to our Super Suite, invoices can be found within the app. Learn how to manage your billing for the Super Suite.


Can I install an app without entering my credit card?

Yes. Zendesk requires payment details when installing an app, however, you may use the coupon code NOCC to bypass this requirement.

Alternatively, you can install our Super Suite app to trial any Sweethawk apps in one click without entering payment details.

Once an app is installed, you'll be put on a free trial. Before the trial ends, you will need to add a payment method or purchase credit via our billing portal to avoid disruption to your service.


How do I change the credit card I’m being charged on?

You can update your payment details through our billing portal. Learn how to manage your billing.


If you're subscribed to our Super Suite, payment details can be updated within the app. Learn how to manage your billing for the Super Suite.


Can I pay for SweetHawk apps on a yearly basis instead of monthly?

You can purchase credit via our billing portal for the estimated use of 12 months. This credit will be drawn upon each month prior to billing your credit card. As there is no way for us to know how many agents will need access to an app over the course of a whole year, this means that the credit may last longer or shorter than 12 months depending on your usage. Learn how to pay annually.


How do I cancel billing for a SweetHawk app?

To cancel billing you will need to uninstall the app. Learn how to cancel your subscription.


If you're subscribed to our Super Suite and wish to cancel billing, follow the steps above to uninstall any apps you wish to cancel before cancelling the Super Suite subscription within the app. Any apps you have remaining will revert back to individual billing. Learn how to manage your billing for the Super Suite.


Why is it asking for my payment details on my Sandbox account? I thought this was free?

While we have a policy to not charge for sandbox accounts, Zendesk still requires payment details when installing an app through the marketplace. We recommend installing our Super Suite, then installing any of our apps through there as this does not require payment details and the apps will be automatically enabled forever.


You will not be billed for apps installed on a sandbox account even if you enter payment details through the marketplace.

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