Server Side REST API authorization: which APIs are used by the Survey app

This page aims to provide our customers with transparency how the server side API access is used for the Survey app. Changes to the app that affect information provided in this document will also be posted in the comments section below. Should you want to be aware if this information changes, please register on this help center and follow this page. 

API Read Update Create


Tickets X X   Fields that may contain personal information of end users aren't stored
Users X X    
Groups X      
Group memberships X      
Brands X      
Dynamic Content   X X Will only perform updates on items that have been created by the app


The Survey app performs the following changes within your Zendesk account only:

  • Survey app creates new Dynamic Content Items for the Survey app during initialisation. The dynamic content items facilitate the Survey app's code snippet to be used in Zendesk triggers/automations. Only dynamic content items that have been created by us will be further updated by the app, for example when updating texts under the Translations tab but also when updating 'Landing page URL' on the Admin tab.
  • Survey app updates new ticket fields that are packaged with the app. We may add further packaged fields in the future. Currently the packaged ticket fields are:
    • Ticket score (0-10)
    • Organization score (0-10)
    • Organization score comment
  • When the option 'Convert ticket score to built-in satisfaction score' is enabled under Settings, Survey app overwrites the tickets satisfaction score and satisfaction comment whenever a survey result is left by the end user.
  • When the option 'Convert ticket score to built-in satisfaction score' is disabled under Settings, and if a value is specified for the option 'Ticket field for "Ticket score comment"', Survey app will update the selected ticket field in the same way when a survey response is left.
  • When the option 'Tag tickets with scores' is enabled under Settings, Survey app adds tags to the ticket corresponding to the score left on the survey. For example, "ticket_score_9" or "org_score_10". Note that tags are also removed when the survey is updated. For example if a user changes the ticket score from 9 to 10, the tag "ticket_score_9" is removed and "ticket_score_10" is added.
  • The custom field "Survey App token" is populated for any ticket requester where it's not present as yet. This is key to how the Survey app operates securely as a Zendesk integration.

No further write operations are carried out by the Survey app.

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