The Zendesk apps marketplace charges your credit card for the usage of an app for the month in advance. This amount is calculated from the number of agents you have at the time of billing.
So if you're using an app charged at $2.50 per agent/month and you have 10 agents, then your bill will be $25.
However, another thing that is calculated in your bill is what happened during the previous month. For example, if at the start of the last month you were only using 5 agents, and then precisely halfway through the month, you increased that amount to 10, then your bill will be adjusted to take that increase into account.
So, for the 5 agents who used the app for half a month, you will be charged 5 * (half of 2.50)
ie. 5 * 1.25 = 6.25
This amount will then be added to the $25 for the coming month, making your bill's total = $31.25.
Adding and removing agents
Your agent count will change automatically based on how many agents there are on your Zendesk account. If you have restricted the app to only work for specific groups or roles, then the agent count will automatically change to match the number of agents that are contained within those groups or roles. When your agent count changes, the billing will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis as per the explanation & example above.
We automatically send you each month's invoice at the time of your monthly billing - the email also contains a secure link where you can download your full history of invoices, change your credit card details and set who else will receive the monthly email.
If you'd like to discuss your invoice simply email